Is Your Website Dragging Your Image Down?

Website Audit


Does your current website reflect your current business model?
Can customers quickly find the answers or products they are looking for?
Does Google know you exist?
Is your site taking too long to download?
Do you know how many people visit your page and what resources they are using?

Unsure of the answer to any of these questions means it is past time for a website assessment. In general, a website should be reviewed yearly with the expectation of minor changes. This is because technology is continuing to change rapidly and thus websites need to adapt.

There are hundreds of factors used by the search engines to determine how your site will be returned in the results. Important factors include:

–Site speed

Judging the quality of a website can be subjective. Sites are created for a multitude of reasons — education, entertainment, retail and business purposes, as well personal use. When an audit is done these reasons need to be kept in mind. A website should have a “personal” touch, something that conveys your brand identity and tells your story, while also serving the needs of the end user, your customer. The content should be SEO friendly without being cheesy.

Let our experts audit your site. We’ll provide an honest assessment as well as recommend strategies for improvement.

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